Ars Electronica Solutions has developed impressive installations for the Linzer Bier Brewery that opened at the beginning of April 2022, in the former power plant of the Tobacco Factory, which is a protected historic landmark. These installations provide narrative and visual support for the guides on brewery tours.
In November 2021, longtime customer Brau Union Österreich approached Ars Electronica Solutions with a request to equip parts of the new show brewery with modern media technology and innovative mediation formats. Close collaboration with Craftvoll and the brewmaster made it possible to tease out the most significant content for guided tours. The listed building posed some exciting challenges for the media technology selection, and this valuable experience is now in turn expanding the AES portfolio.
Visitors to a guided tour can now easily understand the brewing process through the installation in the Bier Uni and locate it in the building. The development of the Linzer Bier brand and the traditional history of Linz as a brewing city are also presented in the interplay of screens and light projections. Both the historical use of the power plant and the new adaptation through the conversion to a brewery with an inn, seminar room and the Bier Uni are presented with an animated flight through a 3D model of the building.
In stainless steel vats, an interactive installation uses videos to show the brewery partners who supply their regional ingredients for on-site beer production. Close to the malt house, the screen installation shows the malt trickling down from the malt house to the ground floor and presents the modern brewing plant with a 3D animation. In this way, the entire building is established and visitors have the opportunity to locate themselves.

Project Credits
Manuela Gruber, Markus Wipplinger, My Trinh Müller-Gardiner, Patrick Müller, David Holzweber,
Dominik Trichlin, Fadil Kujundzic, Andreas Pramböck, Chris Bruckmayr
Florian Cossee, Klaus Dieterstorfer, Michael Mayr, Jan Derschmidt, Franz Böcksteiner,
Robert Cicek, Thomas Leitner, Oliver Elias, Max Pohlenz
Foto Credits:
My Trinh Müller-Gardiner
Read more here in the TFL BLog post!