As early as April 2018, Ars Electronica Solutions and MOHIO Sports were granted the opportunity to visualize the yet unbuilt stainless steel plant in Kapfenberg by means of race drone performance and 3D video. Well, on September 27, the drones also flew in Linz – for the modernized resurrection of the generally renovated blast furnace A on the Linz voestalpine site.
Four drones flew with up to 80km/h around and into the blast furnace. The mounted cameras allowed the audience, who followed the pictures on huge monitors, to go on a rapid journey and provided spectacular insights in real time conjunction with by a pre-produced 3D video. Mixed Reality thus manages in an inimitable way to show visible and invisible building elements as a dynamic unit and to depict an intensive mixture of analogue and digital reality.

Project Credits:
Ars Electronica Solutions: Chris Bruckmayr, Stefan Dorn, Michaela Fragner, Markus Wipplinger
MOHIO Sports: Andreas Berger, Louie Dellavega, Tobias Mauritz, Andreas Neubauer, Stefan Stasny
Flightkinetic: Marcus Auer, Raffael Portugal
Live Video Mixing: Dietmar Bruckmayr
Valant Medientechnik: Thomas Szabo, Friedrich Valant, Markus Valant