On March 5, 2015, Michael Badics (Senior Director, Ars Electronica Solutions) participated in the panel discussion “Smart City – innovative solutions for the city” in Vienna.
The vision of Vienna in 2050: Vienna is globally known for providing great possibilities of development and shaping to all parts of the population. Vienna is the research capital in central Europe – and the city’s prosperity is based on a strong economy. How does the city manage to take care of the various needs? How are innovation and creativity supported?
Impulse: Michael Stampfer (WWTF Wiener Wissenschafts, Forschungs und Technologiefonds)
Discussion: Michael Badics (Ars Electronica Solutions, Linz), Christian Knapp (urbanauts, Wien), Georg Pammer (Siemens AG Österreich)
Moderation: Sabine Knierbein (TU Wien, Arbeitsbereich Stadtkultur und öffentlicher Raum)
Event: Panel discussion – “Smart City – innovative solutions for the city”
Date: March 5, 2015, 6 pm
Location: Wiener Planungswerkstatt, 1., Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz 9
Photo Credits: Wiener Planungswerkstatt