image: My Trinh Müller- Gardiner

Solutions Info Touchwall

At the Solutions Information Wall, projects and areas are presented in an illustrative manner, allowing visitors to explore the content interactively and gain a comprehensive understanding. 

The intuitive interface enables users to access detailed information and gain deeper insights into the various topics and projects.

image: My Trinh Müller- Gardiner

Ars Electronica Solutions designs, creates, and implements interactive and multisensory experience worlds. We develop creative and customized solutions for temporary and permanent public exhibitions, brand landscapes, trade shows, and events. Although our productions employ state-of-the-art media technology, it is never the main focus. Technology is always a means to an end, helping us tell stories in ways that touch and inspire people.

Project Credits


Ina Badics, Chris Bruckmayr, Stefan Dorn, David Holzweber, My Trinh Müller- Gardiner, Isabel Schölmbauer, Roland Stampfer, Dominik Trichlin, Markus Wipplinger


Garamantis, Peak Impact

More impressions of Solutions @ Ars Electronica Festival 2024


Contact Us

Ars Electronica Solutions
Peter-Behrens-Platz 8
Tabakfabrik Linz, Haus Casablanca, Stiege C, 3. Stock
4020 Linz Österreich

Tel. : +43.732.7272.35