Over 10,000 satellites orbit the Earth, and their numbers continue to grow. Communication, navigation, live broadcasts, and even the stock market and European power grid depend on these artificial satellites.
Science and environmental monitoring now make up only a small portion of satellite activity, yet Earth observation satellites are irreplaceable.

They provide a continuous, global, and objective view of our planet. These data not only show how our environment and climate are changing but also form the basis for responding to these developments and adapting our society. How are our forests, water bodies, and air quality? Where do we need technical or organizational interventions? Where can we harness renewable energy sources? Images from space help us find solutions for future societal challenges.
The exhibit allowed visitors to immerse themselves in the world of Earth observation through virtual reality, exploring the technical possibilities. The DLR possesses unique system expertise across its institutes, enabling it to consider and develop all components of a mission—from conception, planning, and execution to data reception, processing, scientific analysis, and information generation.
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