Photo: Florian Voggeneder

Sustainable Transformation of Climate Data

Salon Talk

Ongoing discussions about the sustainable transformation of society are reaching a peak with the exponential increase in complex data and the urgent need to analyse and process this data for society. As part of the Ars Electronica Festival 2023, the ESA Climate Office, headed by Susanne Mecklenburg, will be present in the Ars Electronica Solutions – Space.

The office acts as a central contact point for ESA’s climate-related activities and drives the development of global data sets for the climate system within the framework of the Climate Change Initiative (CCI). A salon talks offers insights into efforts to find sustainable solutions to climate change and the complexities involved.

Susanne Mecklenburg (DE) – European Space Agency (ESA): Climate Office
Konstanze Fila (AT) – Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG)

Ina Badics (AT)
Harald Moser (AT)


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