Photo: Tom Mesic

Transfer of Knowledge

Salon Talk

What is the importance of knowledge transfer and how is knowledge made tangible? The exchange of knowledge plays a significant role both in society and specifically for companies and institutions. The central question is how to reach the target group, arouse enthusiasm, and successfully transfer knowledge, and, in particular, what benefits society derives from it.

Knowledge transfer enables the efficient use of resources, promotes innovation, supports informed decision-making, and drives development. In a salon discussion, experts will explore the importance of knowledge transfer and the obstacles they may encounter. The question of what responsibility institutions have towards society regarding the transparency of data will also be addressed. A central theme of the discussion is the handling of data in general and whether there is a functional feedback loop between society and institutions. This includes examining whether society is actively involved in the transfer of knowledge and how the interaction between the actors actually takes place.

Denise Halak (AT) – Tabakfabrik Linz Entwicklungs- und Betriebsgesellschaft mbH
Alex Pierer (AT) – PIERER Innovation GmbH

Chris Bruckmayr


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