The Economic Chamber of Upper Austria (WKOÖ) inaugurated the newly constructed House of the Economy. A particular highlight of the building is the Innovation Hub, encompassing the architecturally impressive Julius Raab Hall.
This was orchestrated by the “Julius Raab Band” implemented by Ars Electronica Solutions, which surrounds the hall with mirrored glass and 40 integrated screens. Visitors can discover themselves within various visualizations thanks to the mirroring effect.
Innovation and Interactivity:
Spotlight on the WKOÖ’s Global Network
At the heart of the comprehensive setup lies the WKOÖ’s Global Network, comprising over 170 branches worldwide. The World Map serves as the central element: a rotating animated globe unfolds into a real-time visualized world map, depicting the various external trade offices and their locations of the WKOÖ. It provides detailed information about each station via a dynamic time zone. The interactive map responds to the positions of visitors, creating an immersive experience. Surrounding the World Map are dynamic diagrams presenting local data from the WKOÖ. One depicts a perspective landscape geo-referencing all business startups in Upper Austria over time. The other visualizes data on the WKOÖ’s telephone consultations.
One depicts a perspective landscape geo-referencing all business startups in Upper Austria over time. The other visualizes data on the WKOÖ’s telephone consultations.
The goal is for visitors to recognize themselves as part of the visualizations and thus the WKOÖ. They should feel like an integral part of the WKOÖ network. The House of the Economy is an open house for all, accessible and transparent, with openness and transparency at its core.
Digitale Schaufenster
Zwischen den Besprechungsnischen am Julius Raab Band, eröffnen digitale Schaufenster den Besucher*Innen den Blick in die Wirtschaftslandschaft Österreichs. In Spiegelfensteroptik erscheinen digitale Landschaften, welche konkrete Inhalte in sich beherbergen.
Das Design der digitalen Schaufenster so angepasst, dass sie so flexibel wie möglich bespielt werden können. Durch einen dreidimensionalen Hintergrund erreicht man bei den digitalen Schaufenstern eine Tiefenwirkung. Im Eventmodus kann das Julius Raab Band mit Infos über das jeweilige Event bespielt werden.
Digital Shop Windows
Between the meeting niches on the Julius Raab Band, digital shop windows offer visitors a glimpse into Austria’s economic landscape. Digital landscapes appear in mirror window optics, containing specific content. The design of the digital shop windows is adapted to be as flexible as possible for content display. A three-dimensional background creates a sense of depth in the digital shop windows. In event mode, the Julius Raab Band can be filled with information about the respective event.
Project Credits
Ina Badics, David Holzweber, Harald Moser, Patrick Müller, My Trinh Müller- Gardiner, Andreas Pramböck, Dominik Trichlin, Markus Wipplinger
Marcus Dittebrand/ Garamantis, Ekatarina Losik/ Garamantis