State of the ART(ist) Exhibition 2022, Credit: Florian Voggeneder
We would like to answer frequently asked questions here for all artists participating in the Open Call:
- Artistic projects from creatives that live in politically oppressive systems, where freedom of speech is not guaranteed or that suffer from natural catastrophies linked to the climate crisis.
- Projects addressing artistic ways to empower communities and individuals through digital technologies.
- There is no time limit related to the creation of the project.
Every submitted project must be, at the time of its submission, either totally completed or far enough along for the jury to be able to assess its quality and the likelihood of it being successfully implemented. The same applies to collaborative arrangements—at the time they are submitted, they must already be up-and-running and in the implementation stage. No consideration will be given to entries that are purely concepts, ideas, or proposals for collaboration. There is no limit to the timeframe in which the project was created.
Entries can only be submitted via the designated submission platform.
Submitters will receive registration information, acknowledgment of receipt of the submission, information when the call is closed and on the decision of the selection through the platform.
Submissions can be made either anonymously or by mentioning names/locations.
The database is stored on a secure server and encrypted to prevent hackers or other attacks and to ensure the privacy, safety, and security of the submitters. If you would like more details to confirm your safety, please contact us directly.
The two main prizes will receive an honorarium of each €3.000,- per project and the eight Honorary Mentions will each/per project receive a fee of €750,- for the presentation of their work in the digital Kunsthalle and the Ars Electronica Festival. Some of the selected artists, that are able to travel, will be invited to visit the Ars Electronica Festival. Travel and Accommodation is covered. If required, Ars Electronica can offer a studio and living space during the summer months in Linz.
In addition, in 2024 one project will be honored with the Digital Deal Award. All submitted projects are automatically considered for the award.
Artists / creative professionals (no matter if individuals or groups) or associations, public institutions, NGO and private enterprises clearly demonstrating artistic collaborative practices. Projects may be submitted only by an authorized representative. Purely commercial projects are not eligible for the prize competition.
The submission period for the 2024 State of the ART(ist) Open Call is April 15, 2024 – May 20, 2024, 23:59 CEST.
There is no fee to enter the competition.
- A video documentary (approximately 3 minutes in length)
- Images (JPG, TIF, BMP, PNG) at the highest possible resolution; compressed files (such as .zip or .lzh files) are unacceptable.
- A clear, detailed description of the concept, the form of interaction and technical implementation.
- A printable portrait photo and a biography of the artist/creator/innovator
- At the entrant’s option, additional material such as images, documents and drawings (as PNG or PDF) can also be submitted.
- A creator may submit more than one work.
- Entrants are requested not to submit irreplaceable originals since submitted materials cannot be returned.
- If an entry is awarded a prize, the material will be used and therefore cleared for any communication purpose from Ars Electronica and the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs.
If entrants send in additional material pertaining to your submission via post, they need to mail it by the submission deadline (date of postmark is determinative) to the address:
Ars Electronica GmbH & Co KG
Code “Ars Electronica — State of the ART(ist) Call”
Ars-Electronica-Straße 1
A – 4040 Linz
The curator’s selection will be made in May and June 2024. The selection committee will be compiled out of Ars Electronica, the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs as well as external curators.
If the submitted work is selected by the jury, the artist is committed to present the submitted work in the frame of the Ars Electronica Festival from September 4th to 8th, 2024.
The winners will be officially presented on the Ars Electronica channels in July 2024.
Any questions?
If the answers on our FAQ page are not sufficient, feel free to contact us at stateoftheartist@ars.electronica.art!