TINA KULT | hosted by Ars Electronica / Tina Kult (DE), Photo: Tina Kult

TINA KULT | hosted by Ars Electronica

Tina Kult (DE)

In cooperation with the Ars Electronica Festival 2023, Bildraum 07 presents Tina Kult. Named winner of the “Marianne.von.Willemer–Prize for Digital Media 2022”, the artist’s video installation Pampa (2021) addresses the exploitation of body and mind in a neo-liberal meritocratic society. The artist provides insights into private living spaces and shows people merely covered by a sheet, who dwell – almost ghost-like – in their chaos, that thicket of leisure, family and work life.

With the help of numerous 3D scans and a seemingly irritating soundscape by sound artist Lale Rodgarkia-Dara, Tina Kult’s Pampa develops into a visual and acoustic montage that denies the viewer any control or orientation in the image. Only the isolated spaces remain as predictable elements in the pictorial composition, creating the illusion of an infinite, horizontally shifting space that determines the isolation of the portrayed through the multitude of individualized environments.

In addition to a series of recent prints, Tina Kult presents a work-in-progress of the video work “Nun sind wir wohl erwacht”. The central concern of this work is the importance of community as a counter-current to neoliberal tendencies, the value of interpersonal relationships, and the importance of the collective moment. At a time when humanity’s concerns are becoming increasingly complex, Tina Kult moves into the realm of the unconscious and questions common cultural images and symbols in her exhibition.


A cooperation of Bildrecht and Ars Electronica Festival 2023

Tina Kult (DE)

Tina Kult (*1991, Semipalatinsk, KZ) is a media artist based in Vienna. She studied digital art at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and Experimental Film at the UdK Berlin. She is co-founder of the collective T(n)C together with Agnes Varnai. Her work has been shown at Q21/MuseumsQuartier (2022), Kunstraum Niederösterreich (2018), Krinzinger Projekte (2017) in Vienna or Art+Text (2017) in Budapest, among others. In 2022, she was awarded the Marianne.von.Willemer Prize for Digital Media and participated in the residency program of the European Media Art Platform at the FACT Institute in Liverpool together with her collective T(n)C.