Art, Culture & Digitality within the framework of Salzkammergut 2024 / Elisabeth Schweeger (AT), Hans Reschreiter (AT), Bill Fontana (US), Photo showing: Hans Reschreiter @POSTCITY, Confrence Hall Photo: markus schneeberger

Art, Culture & Digitality within the framework of Salzkammergut 2024

Elisabeth Schweeger (AT), Hans Reschreiter (AT), Bill Fontana (US)

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As part of the Goiserer Musiktage 2024, the artist Bill Fontana develops a sound sculpture as an artistic statement on the consequences of climate change. Seven thousand years of salt—the virtual museum Salzkammergut: salt as a continuous line connecting a region is analyzed in the past, present and for tomorrow and made accessible via web app.

Elisabeth Schweeger (AT)

Elisabeth Schweeger, born in Vienna, studied comparative literature and philosophy in Innsbruck, Vienna and Paris. Managing Director/Artistic Director of the Academy of Performing Arts Baden-Württemberg (2014–2022).

Hans Reschreiter (AT)

Hans Reschreiter is an archaeologist who has been researching the Hallstatt salt mine for over 30 years and how the oldest cultural and industrial landscape in the world developed around salt. His passion is to explore, visualize and communicate the 7,000 years of salt—from the Stone Age to the present day—with international teams.

Bill Fontana (US)

US sound artist Bill Fontana has been using sound as a sculptural medium since the late 1960s. He has since created over 50 sound sculptures and radio sculptures. His works have been installed in many museums, including the Whitney Museum of American Art, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and the Museum Ludwig, Cologne.