Brakfesten / La Grande Bouffe / Anne Duk Hee Jordan (DE/KR), Pauline Doutreluingne (BE), photo:

Brakfesten / La Grande Bouffe

Anne Duk Hee Jordan (DE/KR), Pauline Doutreluingne (BE)

Brakfesten / La Grande Bouffe zooms into a symbiotic ecosystem and consists of a public sculpture in the forest, which grew over several months and became simultaneously the film set for the macro film Brakfesten – La Grande Bouffe as the ultimate step of the project. Here the work investigates the Swedish forest area that is threatened with extinction due to Dutch Elm Disease. From autumn to spring, elm beetles lay their eggs inside the bark of the elm trees. When the eggs start to become small larvae, they begin a symbiosis with fungi. A mycelium and a beetle become strong forces. Together they form a deadly disease for the elm trees. The point of departure is to observe the desperate act to cut down all the trees. They lie there like infected dead bodies. The ecosystem is totally disturbed. But the more one looks at the infected trees, one understands it is all about restoring the ecological cycle.


Directors: Anne Duk Hee Jordan and Pauline Doutreluingne
Sound Composer: Midori Hirano
Video Editor: Judy Landkammer
Animation: Moana Vonstadl
Camera: Leif Eiranson, Anne Duk Hee Jordan, Isak Mozard
Footage Research: Pauline Doutreluingne
Commissioned by: Public Art Agency Sweden
Produced by: Public Art Agency Sweden in collaboration with Baltic Art Center
Curators: Edi Muka, Helena Selder
Producer: Anna Norberg
Film assistant/producer: Isak Mozard

This project is presented in the context of the More-than-Planet project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

Photo: Ricard Estay

Anne Duk Hee Jordan (DE/KR)

Anne Duk Hee Jordan is a Korean-German artist born in 1978. Her work includes drawings, hand-built robots, edible landscapes, sculpture, film and sound. It is mainly the other life forms, insects and plants that live alongside humans on Earth, that she lovingly observes, invites and casts as lead characters in her art works.

Pauline Doutreluingne (BE)

Pauline Doutreluingne is a curator, filmmaker and educator born in 1982 in Belgium. Through her work, she seeks to stimulate cultural dialogue focusing on ecology and decolonial thinking. Her curatorial projects are dialogues and exercises toward progressive imaginaries.

They work and live together in Berlin.