Fortuna One is a fortune reading machine telling your fate. Come into the sphere and find out more about artificial systems and what they can show us about the near future.
Fortuna One is a fortune reading machine telling your fate. Come into the sphere and find out more about artificial systems and what they can show us about the near future.
During a workshop with the young people of the Virtual Office in Linz, we explored how artificial intelligence will influence our lives in the future and whether it is already possible for AI to make accurate predictions about our future.
Visitors enter the crystal ball and are guided through an installation that culminates in a conversation with the Happy AI oracle.
Virtual Office, FAB Linz, Land Oberösterreich
Bettina Gangl M.A. (AT)
Reinhard Zach Mediengestaltung (AT)
Jugendliche des Virtual Office im FAB, Verein zur Förderung von Arbeit und Beschäftigung Linz (AT)
Birgit Pölz und Helmut Doblhofer (AT)
Software Entwicklung: Gregor Woschitz BA (AT)
Virtual Office FAB Linz (AT)
Virtual Office offers a 3-year EDP training in Upper Austria for 24 young people with physical impairments.
They are especially aimed at young people with physical impairments for whom manual work is difficult or impossible.