Ansible / Yedam Ann (KR), Zeng Sixin (CN), Alexander Walmsley (UK), Photo: Ansible 2024


Yedam Ann (KR), Zeng Sixin (CN), Alexander Walmsley (UK)

Ansible takes the roll-out of the 5G infrastructure across the planet as a starting point to explore the disconnect between the speed of telecommunications infrastructure and the human act of communication itself. The work explores these themes not only within the finished piece itself, but also in the process of creation: through a script improvised over the course of several months via voice messages left on each others’ phones in each artist’s native language.

Yedam Ann (KR)

Yedam Ann is a visual artist. Her work centers on identities of space and humans in urban areas.

Zeng Sixin (CN)

Sixin Zeng is an artist and designer. Her work blends reality and fiction, centering on migration, diaspora and feminism.

Alexander Walmsley (UK)

Alexander Walmsley is a media artist. He investigates landscapes, mediated by technological, environmental and social realities.