Pay with Your Gaze / Ana Spagnolo López (AR), Helena Roig (ES), Marion Lissarrague (FR), Vinciane Dahéron (FR), Photo: PWYG 2023

Pay with Your Gaze

Ana Spagnolo López (AR), Helena Roig (ES), Marion Lissarrague (FR), Vinciane Dahéron (FR)

Marketed as a “next generation” intuitive interface, the simple movement of our eyes has become just another commodified gesture to be exploited by surveillance capitalism. How much is our gaze into a screen worth? Pay with Your Gaze is a project that raises awareness on the misuse of eye tracking technologies and the true value of our online attention.

Ana Spagnolo López (AR)

Ana Spagnolo López is a designer and educator, in the search of digital tools to be used in diverse scenarios.

Helena Roig (ES)

Helena Roig is a visual artist, using photography and interdisciplinary practice.

Marion Lissarrague (FR)

Marion Lissarrague is an artist exploring digital society using visual art and programming.

Vinciane Dahéron (FR)

Vinciane Dahéron is an artist and graphic designer working on open-source culture.