Impulses from the inner human well-being
Art-Creagravity is placed in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the festival and yet is a space unto itself. It invites you to surrender physically to gravity, to come to rest emotionally and mentally and to connect more deeply with your senses. Colors, sounds, smells sink into the attentive inner and outer, also physical perception, and can become the starting point of an artistic creative impulse. This is additionally stimulated by selected materials and formats. The focus is on the unfolding creative process out of inner peace and “being”.
Preparatory offers to increase self-awareness and relaxation accompany the participants into this creative and at the same time regenerative state. Participants can take their works with them – as an anchor to relive in the hustle and bustle of their everyday lives.
At the same time, we accompany young people in their search for ideas for possible submissions to, a project that promotes ideas that can be implemented in the Salzkammergut in 2024 as part of the Capital of Culture program of events.
Otelo eGen
For nearly 10 years Otelo eGen has been developing exhibition and art forms that draw people in to actively participate in creative endeavors. The collective grew out the Offenen Technologielaboren (Otelos), which are citizens’ free spaces, which invite visitors to make, learn and co-design in an interdisciplinary and integrative way.