Artificial Consciousness / HyungJun Park (KR), Photo: HyungJun Park

Artificial Consciousness

HyungJun Park (KR)

HyungJun Park’s solo exhibition Artificial Consciousness brings together three artworks at Art Laboratory Berlin. The main piece, The Dream, challenges and critiques the existing datasets of machine learning and focuses on human and machine dreaming. I am an Artefact explores what the soul is and how it can be perceived in a scientific manner. Utopia is an interface to allow the audience to explore visual senses from a nonhuman perspective. During the exhibition, Park will lead a workshop, titled “Exposing Invisible: Data, Rendering and Codes”.


Curator: Tuçe Erel (TR) and Juha Lee (KR) 
Opening: 1 September 2023, 8 pm
Exhibition running time: 2 September – 8 October 2023, Thursday-Sunday; 14:00-18:00
Credits: Berlin Senate for Culture and Europe, Korean Art Council, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Düsseldorf, Institute of Materials Physics Cologne.