BROOD / Dorota Gawęda (PL/CH), Eglė Kulbokaitė (LT/CH), Photo:


Dorota Gawęda (PL/CH), Eglė Kulbokaitė (LT/CH)

The Second Body

BROOD (The Second Body) focuses on the integral weirdness of the world—the running trope in both scientific investigation and folkloric tales that function as interfaces for interaction with the surroundings. Taking the form of a multi-channel video installation and combining a range of footage: from scenes shot on location, staged green screen material, CGI to algorithmically generated sequences and found footage. In the project, the artists think through interactions and processes of fundamental particles of nature and a brood of spirits of vernacular belief as not only metaphors but interfaces and processes that hold potentiality for a radical reimagining of our world—in which human and nature, human and nonhuman, are thoroughly imbricated.


The project has been produced in the frame of the ArTS Production Grant for Swiss Artists supported by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia.

CERN, Collide Residency

BROOD (The Second Body) has been produced together with Justyna Chaberek and Oskar Pawełko (performance); Juliette Ruetz and Julian Hutcheson (SFX make-up); Fritz Schiffers (character development); Moritz Freudenberg (cinematography and postproduction); Robert Sampławski (light).

Dorota Gawęda (PL/CH), Eglė Kulbokaitė (LT/CH)

Dorota Gawęda (PL/CH) and Eglė Kulbokaitė (LT/CH) both graduated from the Royal College of Art in London in 2012. They have exhibited at Centre Georges-Pompidou, Paris; Kunsthalle Mainz; EPFL Pavilions, Lausanne; Shedhalle, Zurich; Kunstraum Niederoesterreich, Vienna; CCS, Paris; Kunstverein Hamburg; Istituto Svizzero, Palermo/Milan; Swiss Institute, New York; Julia Stoschek Collection, Dusseldorf; Kunsthalle Fribourg; Lafayette Anticipations, Paris; Palais de Tokyo, Paris; Athens Biennale; Kunsthalle Basel; ICA, London among others.