CECI N’EST PAS UN TOURNESOL / Tabea Tremmel (AT), Simon Hehl (DE), Michael Wittmann (DE), Ricarda Dorfmeister (AT), Willi Gold (AT), Alexander Mahla (AT), Photo: Ricarda Dorfmeister


Tabea Tremmel (AT), Simon Hehl (DE), Michael Wittmann (DE), Ricarda Dorfmeister (AT), Willi Gold (AT), Alexander Mahla (AT)

What do I perceive and what is my truth?

“Please pinch me” – there are moments when we doubt whether something has really just happened. Many a situation, many a dream makes us think quite a lot. But how do we actually know what is genuine or real? Who decides what is true? And why is that not left up to each person?

We invite you to explore the walk-in cube, to commonly co-design and reflect. Among other things, visitors can change the light and sound in the room, participate in the creation of a large picture and gain insights into the processes of game art.

This discovery leads through technology, art and nature and raises the following questions: How do I become part of an art and design process? What decisions can I make in this process? What stories do I tell through my decisions? What do I perceive as real? And do I distinguish between the analogue and the digital?

The sunflower is our constant companion on this refelctive journey. Throughout history, it has been charged with a wide variety of meanings, some of them very contradictory. In this project, the sunflower becomes a symbol for the question: “What do I perceive and what is my truth?”


Konzept und Realisierung: Tabea Tremmel (AT), Simon Hehl (DE) 
Mentoring: Michael Wittmann (DE) 
Workflow Digital Plant: Ricarda Dorfmeister (AT), Willi Gold (AT), Alexander Mahla (AT)

Ein Projekt der Abteilung Mediengestaltung der Kunstuniversität Linz