Digitale Schnitzeljagd / Volksschule Stattegg , Photo: Michaela Koehler-Jatzko

Digital Scavenger Hunt — Path of Sustainability

Elementary school Stattegg

Through our current annual theme “Fair Response,” our focus is on sustainability. For this, we created a “path of sustainability” together with the cultural partner “atempo“, whose content focus is the 17 sustainability goals. For the project Digital Scavenger Hunt — Path of Sustainability, the children created ceramic objects and a digital quiz.

The students chose a topic, for example, poverty, life under water or education, and created a ceramic object under the guidance of artist Barbara Schmid. The “Actionbound” app was then presented and tried out in class by the artist and our digital school assistant Anja Winkler. The children created content on the topics and filled the app with information and questions. The ceramic objects created by the students were placed around the school building.

The sustainability trail is open to the public and can be visited. It is interactive by means of the Actionbound app. Visitors can listen to short information recorded by the children at each station. Then the visitors have to answer questions, complete small tasks and take photos. At the end, they receive points for the completed tour. In this way, all are involved in the topic, the schoolchildren, parents, teachers, but also visitors from the community.


School: Elementary school Stattegg

School group: 4th grade

Students: Sophie A., Petra B., Julia B., Niklas D. Ina H., Vera J., Valentin K., Xaver K., Nino L., Marlene L. Helena M., Elena R., Emely S., Valentina S., Alexander U, Alexander V, Vanessa V, Franz W, Sebastian W, Markus W.

Teacher: Michaela Köhler-Jatzko

Elementary school Stattegg

In fourth grade there are eleven girls and nine boys. The highly creative and curious children worked enthusiastically and independently on the implementation of this project.

Michaela Köhler-Jatzko is class teacher of the fourth grade at the elementary school Stattegg and also teaches at the University of Teacher Education Styria in the field of visual arts and in the course Art.Form.Art.