Entanglement XR / France Jobin (CA), Markus Heckmann (CA/DE), Photo: Markus Heckmann, France Jobin

Entanglement XR

France Jobin (CA), Markus Heckmann (CA/DE)

MUTEK Immersive Collection

Entanglement distills quantum physics into a swooping sensorial experience. It illustrates the concept of entanglement, an uncanny scientific phenomenon defying explanation. The piece oscillates between four theories: the fluidity of time, multiverse, Copenhagen interpretation and decoherence. These complex notions are filtered into audiovisual radiant tableaus guided by science, technology and the sensitivity needed to illustrate what cannot be visualized.


Producer: MUTEK
Idea: France Jobin & Markus Heckmann
Storyboard: France Jobin & Markus Heckmann
Sound design: France Jobin
Visual design: Markus Heckmann
Mix and 3D crafting: Alexis Gladu Pilon
Technical consultant: Guillaume Bourassa
Publisher: MUTEK
Distributor: Astrea Immersive

© France Jobin & Markus Heckmann

France Jobin (CA)

France Jobin is a Canadian audio and installation artist, as well as composer and curator.

Markus Heckmann (CA/DE)

Markus Heckmann is a German visual artist and Technical Director at Derivative, the maker of TouchDesigner.