Exploring the future of individualized apparel (re)manufacturing
There is a great need for increasing sustainability in the fashion industry: Fashion and Robotics (FAR) investigates ways to keep apparel in the cycle longer through collaborative remanufacturing. To do so, FAR implements a designer-centric framework based on visual programming, combining parametric design with collaborative robotics. The prototype explores a process that applies nano-fibers out of recycled polymers through high-voltage on re-manufacturable clothing.
Creative Robotics is a research unit within the University for Arts Linz that was set up with the goal of investigating robotics as an interface between the digital and physical world.
CR is engaged in arts-based and industrial research covering a wide range of applications, from developing new robotic processes with traditional craftsmen and SMEs to realizing highly visible robot installations with partners from various industries.
Creative Robotics, University of Arts Linz (AT): Johannes Braumann, Amir Bastan, Emanuel Gollob
Fashion & Technology, University of Arts Linz (AT): Christiane Luible-Bär
In collaboration with: TCKT – Transfercenter für Kunststofftechnik GmbH (AT): Christoph Burgstaller, Harald Ladner
Software: KUKA|prc, vvvv gamma, iiQKA Hardware: KUKA iisy, KUKA iiwa, electrospinning tool by NanoWings
Supported by KUKA Roboter CEE
FAR – Fashion and Robotics is funded by the FWF PEEK Programme for Arts-based Research and realized by the University of Arts Linz in cooperation with the Johannes Kepler University Linz.