Give Me A Sign / Diane Edwards (GB)n Upasana Nattoji Roy (IN), Photo: Falana Films

Give Me A Sign

Diane Edwards (GB), Upasana Nattoji Roy (IN)

Through the language of Indian dance mudras (hand gestures), Give Me a Sign explores the insecurities we feel in tackling challenging situations, particularly with our changing climate. Repurposing mudras that hold generations of meaning-making in the Indian culture, it invites a philosophical, analytical and speculative conversation around the narrative of the time and freewheeling change. The artwork aims to elucidate this bridge between humans, machines and cultures with an illusionary AI avatar called Shunya, through an audiovisual experience.

Diane Edwards (GB), Upasana Nattoji Roy (IN)

This artwork is a collaborative effort that was borne out of the BeFantastic Beyond program 2022. The above artists and creative technologists from India and the UK researched, prototyped, tested and engaged in collaborative creative production online over a 5-month period to then meet for a week to manifest this work.