Harmonic Motion / Alba Triana (CO), Impressions / Press Tour POSTCITY / Prix & STARTS Exhibition Photo showing: Alba Triana Credit: tom mesic

Harmonic Motion

Alba Triana (CO)

Digital Musics & Sound Art

Award of Distinction

This musical composition and immersive installation explores the vibrational and interconnected essence of the universe. It delves into the dynamic web of waves and resonances that link all matter and energy, permeating all aspects of existence, including the sound(s) we hear and the music we create.

At the center of the installation, a cymbal vibrates. A controlled electrical signal activates the cymbal resonance modes—the unique patterns at which it intrinsically vibrates. Thus, the cymbal’s natural vibrations become audible to the visitors without any human touch. Also, drawing on interferometry, a scientific research technique, a custom laser system makes the cymbal’s vibrations visible. Fourteen reflections, arranged in a spiral fashion, “float” around the cymbal, forming a vortex-like configuration. (…) Visitors listen, observe, and navigate this real-world dynamic environment that expands the experience and interpretation of the physical reality that otherwise escapes our senses.

Jury Statement

Harmonic Motion is an immersive vibrational installation. A system involving acoustic energy and lasers activates a cymbal, amplifying the natural vibrations of this musical instrument to the point they become audible and visible. A complex arrangement of wave reflections alters the perception of the space, allowing different levels of subtle engagement with the piece. A mesmerizing narrative of sound intertwined with waveforms offers the viewer the experience of an enchanting, meditative loop. The piece departs from a premise: Nature is fundamentally active and interconnected. There is a vitality that inhabits everything, even in the inert. And that omnipresent vitality largely determines who we are, our interests, desires, issues, ideas, and everything that emerges from ourselves. The piece aims to expose this reality that eludes our senses, which flows inside and outside us, and to induce a deep sense of connection with the essential elements that animate and unite us. Hearing the unheard and seeing the unseen, visitors immerse themselves in a vibrational meditative environment that invites them to pause, become aware of their senses, and escape the cacophony of daily life.

Excerpt from the jury statement


Harmonic Motion, 2021
Cymbal, audible and visible cymbal vibrations
Alba Triana

Alba Triana (CO)

Alba Triana is a sound/intermedia artist and music composer. Delving into vibration, interconnectedness, and nature’s self-organization, she explores the natural world’s fundamental structure and its manifestation through human constructions like art and music. She uses analog and digital technologies to unveil the vitality that animates the entire physical world. Recognitions and commissions include the CIFO Artist Award (US), Civitella-Ranieri Fellowship (IT/US), Pro Helvetia Foundation (CH), South Arts Fellowship, Kronos Quartet, American Composers Forum (US), and Ministry of Culture (CO).