Infinity / panGenerator (PL), Photo:


panGenerator (PL)

our daily digital ritual

The infinity scroll is a mechanism often utilized by social media services and platforms, suggesting infinite amounts of content. Endless scrolling induces a state of permanent craving in the mind, tempting it with an endless stream of new information, which, however, it is incapable of processing. Scrolling thus becomes a purely sensory experience, inducing hypnosis of sorts. The soothing monotony of light forms moving in front of our eyes leaves us fully engrossed, becoming a daily digital ritual in which we make a sacrificial offering of all our attention – a priceless gift for digital corporations. Or is it time to stop genuflecting?


panGenerator is a new media art & design collective based in Warsaw, Poland, founded by Piotr Barszczewski (ex-member), Krzysztof Cybulski, Krzysztof Goliński and Jakub Koźniewski. Since 2010 the group has created unique projects exploring new means of creative expression and interaction with the audience. Their works are characterized by blending ephemeral digital realm with physical world. panGenerator blends bits and atoms to create audience-engaging, dynamic and tangible experiences in opposition to typically static, hermetic and unapproachable conventions prevalent in traditional, mainstream “modern art” practice.