AV-Service Lounge net:art coordination center / Renate Kreil (AT), @POSTCITY photo: vog.photo


Schubert Theater Wien (AT)

INSIGHT:AARON depicts the metamorphosis of an analog work of art into a digital one, and the transformation of the persona of Aaron Swartz and his astounding works. The VR and the AR project evolved through several stages and was repeatedly viewed, questioned, and redirected. Puppet theater can create a particularly intimate emotional level with the audience, especially for biographies. The true essence of a person is hidden in the layers of his existence and requires multiple truths.

Schubert Theater Wien

The bustling off-theater specializing in puppet shows for adults is located in Vienna, Austria. A storytelling universe for exciting biographies.
Visual artist Annemarie Arzberger (puppet), media artist Ilkhan Erdogan (VR, Mozilla Hubs), Litto and Jascha Ehrenreich of The Artificial Museum (AR artifact), Hideo Snes (AI voice) under the direction of Lisa Zingerle (Schubert Theater) researched the life of Aaron Swartz.