hello world / Open Commons Linz (AT), IKT Linz GmbH (AT), Stadtbibliothek Linz (AT), Credit: Verena Mayrhofer

Laboratory of Confidence

Open Commons Linz (AT), IKT Linz GmbH (AT), Stadtbibliothek Linz (AT)

Your robot with personality

Do you want to develop your talents and skills in the field of technology and media and shape your projects for a better future? Then the Laboratory of Confidence is the right place for you. With us, you can turn creative and put your ideas into practice. It does not matter if you already have experience in robotics or coding. We provide the resources and the mentoring; you have the idea! Among other things, you can build robots from various materials, mainly junk, program them and have them compete against each other in unique duels. Hopefully, the scrap robots will not dismantle themselves. May the better code t least work somehow!

The Laboratory of Confidence is an initiative of Open Commons Linz, IKT Linz GmbH and the Linz City Library.


Open Commons (AT), Ben Deetjen (DE), Bernhard Krabina (AT), Elisabeth Ertl (AT), Felix Winkler (AT), Magdalena Reiter (AT) 

Open Commons Linz (AT)

Open Commons prepares the citizens of Linz for the future and lets them actively shape digital life – across all age groups.