Space Messengers / Agnes Chavez (US), STEMArts Lab (US), OMAI (AT), Space Messengers Collective, Photo: tom mesic

Space Messengers

Agnes Chavez (US), STEMArts Lab (US), OMAI (AT), Space Messengers Collective

An Immersive Mixed Reality installation and international youth exchange exploring the universe through art, science and technology

Space Messengers is a participatory mixed reality installation that visualizes thought-provoking reflections on the universe, encouraging participants to contemplate their role within it. Space Messengers evolved from an interdisciplinary and international collaboration among artists, scientists, interdisciplinary experts and youth ambassadors. Together we explore how the arts, humanities, philosophy, physics and space technologies can deepen our understanding of the universe and expand our identities as planetary citizens.

Space Messengers serves as a powerful tool to ignite scientific curiosity and critical thinking, while evoking a sense of wonder through the fusion of art, science, and technology. Youth Ambassadors from Escola Secundaria Sebastiao in Portugal and Austrian students will participate as Experience Guides at the event running the interactive stations and sharing their experiences.

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Agnes Chavez, Concept/Director (US); OMAi, projection designer/artists (AT); Roy Macdonald, programmer (CL); David Novack, soundscape (US), Matheiu Castel, VR build (FR), Diogo Duarte and Maria Matos, VR coordinators (PT); Avatar scientists: Dr. Steven Goldfarb, particle physicist, University of Melbourne on the ATLAS Experiment at CERN (US); Los Alamos National Laboratory astrophysicist, Dr. Andrea Albert.

Experience Guides: Ana Carvalho Oliveira, lead teacher from Escola Secundaria Sebastiao e Silva with Youth Ambassadors (PT): Filipe Proença, Francisco Jerónimo, Giovane Verdelho, Carolina Lemos, Mafalda Gorgulho, Diogo Velez, Guilherme Verdelho, Rafael Balão

VR Avatar Ambassadors: San Jose del Valle Preparatoria, Guadalajara, Mexico; New Mexico, Brazil.

Video Statements: Dr. Nicole Lloyd-Ronning (US); Michelle Hanlon, Space Lawyer, Co-Founder, For All Moonkind (US), Dr. Catarina Pombo Nabais, Philosopher/founder of the SAP (Science- Art-Philosophy) Lab at the CFCUL (PT); Frank Tavares, Affiliated Researcher, Space Enabled Research Group at the MIT Media Lab (US), Dr. Greg Cajete, Native American author (US), Steve Tamayo, Lakota artist (US), Elizabeth Keller (US), Sophia Dagnello, NRAO science visualizer (US), Johan Sebastian Bonilla, CERN physicist (US)

Space Messengers is made possible in part by the National Endowment for the Arts, U.S. Embassy in Portugal, US Consulate General in Guadalajara, New Mexico Arts, a division of the Department of Cultural Affairs, and the Citizen Diplomacy Action Fund for U.S. Alumni; an opportunity sponsored by the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government and administered by Partners of the Americas.


STEMarts LAB is an artist-led nonprofit organization based in Taos, New Mexico, with a mission to empower youth and communities through art, science, and technology, especially in rural and underserved communities.