VOICES / Ahnjili ZhuParris (US), Mohsen Hazrati (IR), Phivos-Angelos Kollias (GR), Yu Zhang (CN), Photo: VOICES 2023


Ahnjili ZhuParris (US), Mohsen Hazrati (IR), Phivos-Angelos Kollias (GR), Yu Zhang (CN)

The Fair Tech Card Game

VOICES, an interactive installation, invites participants to co-create a sound-art composition with their voice. Participants are asked to record a secret. In return, they can be visually guided through the processing, analysis and cloning of their voice recordings by various voice technologies (VT) algorithms and can experience a sound-art composition in which their voice narrates the secrets of others. This immersive experience aims to shed light on the otherwise opaque inner workings of VT.

Ahnjili ZhuParris (US)

Ahnjili is a data scientist and artist interested in the implications and ethics of AI.

Mohsen Hazrati (IR)

Mohsen Hazrati’s works focus on literature and digital technologies.

Phivos-Angelos Kollias (GR)

Phivos-Angelos Kollias is an award-winning composer from Greece, based in Berlin.

Yu Zhang (CN)

Yu Zhang is an artist and design researcher working on interactive installations.