Wir stehen unter Strom! / Volksschule August Thielmann, Telfs , Photo: Anna Zigala

We are under pressure

Elementary school August Thielmann, Telfs

Where does our electricity actually come from? Is there enough electricity for everyone and what can each of us do to save it?

In the project Wir stehen unter Strom! (We are under pressure!), the children find answers to these complex questions. Students at the August Thielmann elementary school in Telfs have been dealing with this relevant, exciting and interesting topic since the beginning of school. After a highly informative visit to the pumped-storage power plant Sellrain-Silz and fascinating research in our school library or on the Internet, the children started to build their own power plant out of LEGO. This was programmed and brought to life with the help of SmartHubs and tablets. The result was a reservoir, a run-of-river hydroelectric power plant and several wind turbines. Particularly innovative is the residential house including a solar system on the roof, which stands on cogwheels and can thus rotate according to the position of the sun. Motion sensors, among other things, have been installed to save electricity. This is what our version of the future looks like.


Elementary school: August Thielmann, Telfs

Teacher: Anna Zigala

School group: Elementary school

Students: 13: Jonas U., Jonas Mu., Jonas Ma, Irfan, Ben, Lava, Narin, Viola, Markus, Josef, Oliver, Kilian, Paul

Elementary school August Thielmann, Telfs

This year’s Robotics group is a diverse mix of first and fourth graders. The mixed class and grade group had great fun building, tinkering, and trying things out.

Anna Zigala has been an elementary school teacher at VS August Thielmann in Telfs for several years. Freely following the motto “The best of both worlds!”, she tries to teach the children a “healthy” approach to digital media etc.