Where Do I Come From? Where Do I Go?

Malavika PC (IN), Papia Chakraborty (IN), Asli Dinc (DE)

Vulnerably capturing their own waste to build a dataset, three artists bared themselves raw by confronting the relationship with their daily consumption patterns. Where Do I Come From? Where Do I Go? is a multi-format exhibit that urges us to contend with our personal truths; this is an artwork that offers a poignant reminder that our daily actions have real-world consequences. A digital waterfall of refuse built with the generated dataset changes as audiences pause to observe it, serving as a metaphorical stance to reset the clock, from the fast and dirty flow of life, time and the climate crisis hidden amidst everyday infrastructure.

Malavika PC (IN), Papia Chakraborty (IN), Asli Dinc (DE)

Where Do I Come From? Where Do I Go? is a collaborative effort that was borne out of the BeFantastic Within Fellowship program 2022. The above artists and creative technologists from India and the Germany researched, prototyped, tested and engaged in collaborative creative production online over a seven-month period to then meet for a week to manifest this work.