Wood Wide Web / Anupam Mahajan (IN), Cameron Naylor (GB), Kanchan Joneja (IN), Kristina Pulejkova (GB), Photo: Falana Films

Wood Wide Web

Anupam Mahajan (IN), Cameron Naylor (GB), Kanchan Joneja (IN), Kristina Pulejkova (GB)

In Wood wide web the knowledge of a carefully curated dataset, endangered tree ecosystems from India and the UK were personified to tell stories of their erasure. Based on a collection of sounds, interviews, and visual data from the field shared by Farmers for Forests (India) and the Kew Gardens Library and Archive (London), audiences embody the tree, mourning the loss of their existence. AI models were trained to generate text and textures that made these elder giants come alive, inspiring care and compassion for our planet in an increasingly desensitized world and preserving the truth held within the old forests.

Anupam Mahajan (IN), Cameron Naylor (GB), Kanchan Joneja (IN), Kristina Pulejkova (GB)

This artwork is a collaborative effort that was borne out of the BeFantastic Beyond program 2022. The above artists and creative technologists from India and the UK researched, prototyped, tested and engaged in collaborative creative production online over a 5-month period to then meet for a week to manifest this work.