Xs Sculpture / Skylar Liu (US), Vasco Xu (PT/US), Ken Nakagaki (JP/US), Photo: Emilie Faracci

Xs Sculpture

Skylar Liu (US), Vasco Xu (PT/US), Ken Nakagaki (JP/US)

Xs is a shape-changing user interface with high expandability and customizability based on reconfigurable interactive scissor mechanisms. With Xs Sculpture, we explore how such mechanisms can create 3D forms as kinetic sculpture, morphing into various kinetic artifacts.

As various shapes emerge to replicate (un)familiar shapes, it aims to stimulate our imagination and perception towards shapes and objects. This work ultimately explores the relationship between the self and reality by simulating and playing with our perception of reality.

Skylar Liu (US)

Skylar Liu (US) is an undergraduate researcher at AxLab, majoring in Computer Science and Media Arts & Design.

Vasco Xu (PT/US)

Vasco Xu (PT/US) is a collaborating PhD student at AxLab, specialized in computer systems research.

Ken Nakagaki (JP/US)

Ken Nakagaki (JP/US) is an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department at the University of Chicago, directing AxLab.