“Learn History!” – With Twitter, for example


Although Twitter has been around for a couple of years now, there’s still a lot of mystery involved about how to actually use this plattform. Well, one thing you can do with it is to learn history. Check out the following channels to find out about important historic events in real-time.

Author Michael Dobbs tweets the Cuba-Crisis 1962, when the world was not too far away from a nuclear war. Check out this channel to learn how the events developed and what the news-flow was like.

WW2 of course had a huge impact on our history. Follow this channel if you want to know in detail, what happened in 1940 and the years to follow.

If you are fascinated by the Titanic, go to this channel and see what the only journey of this giant felt like, tweet after tweet, event after event.

If history-channels on Twitter have caught your interest, go ahead and find some channels of your own. There’s literally hundreds, covering history-lessons from all over the world.