In Occupy History, users can produce a six-second looped video using the Twitter tool Vine. Vines should show how history (and memory along with it) has been transformed by the lens of pop culture. Pictures and symbols have been given new interpretations and new connotations. A few popular examples are Hipster Hitler, Che Guevara as a pop star, or Abraham Lincoln the vampire hunter.
Reading these examples, what ideas come to mind? Send your vines, tagged with #WSHVine, to the Twitter account @WIR_SIND_HIER.

WIR SIND HIER is an artistic experiment which will open this year’s Ars Electronica Festival in Linz, Austria on September 5. The project consists of an online portion at and a live performance at the Ars Electronica Festival which will combine several forms of artistic expression with new media and communication technology.