The Campus exhibition that Linz Art University has hosted during the Ars Electronica Festival since 2002 extends an invitation to an art college from a foreign country to come to Linz and showcase the work being done there. This year’s guest is the University of California at Los Angeles. In this interview, Professor Victoria Vesna…
The Linz-based artists’ collective Time’s Up builds walk-through worlds, physical narratives, in which every object tells a story. At Ars Electronica Festival September 7-11, 2017, festivalgoers will be able to experience one of them: “Turnton Docklands.” We talked to Time’s Up about this mix of environmental dystopia, social utopia and disturbing future scenario.
Well, in any case, Búi Bjarmar Aðalsteinsson thinks it’s possible. His project is a breeding ground for flies whose larvae can be harvested and processed into foodstuffs. “Fly Factory” is now on display in the “EARTH LAB – Artists as Catalysts” exhibition in Moscow.