Für Theresia – Anton Bruckner: eine HerStory

Zoe M. Riess aka Zoe Goldstein

The work “Für Theresia” (“For Theresia”) focuses on the women who shaped Anton Bruckner’s life. There are many stories and myths surrounding his life and his reltionship with women, and the question rises how they influenced his work.

However, this is not project that attempts to thematize the relationship between Bruckner and women, but rather to focus on the visibility of women.

Historical portraits and biogrphies provide an impression of the female personlities and open up an additionl perspective on Anton Bruckner’s work. The title of the project “For Theresia” refers to his mother, Theresia Bruckner, who played a central role as femle constant in his work.

A project by Zoe M. Riess aka Zoe Goldstein for the KulturExpo „Anton Bruckner 2024“.

Idea, concept, direction: Zoe M. Riess aka Zoe Goldstein
Cooperations: Brucknerhaus Linz, Mariendom Linz, Stadt Linz, Linz Kultur, Ars Electronica, Stadt Steyr, Time’s up Linz, Gemeinde Attersee, Stift St. Florian – Friedrich Buchmayr (Textliches, Autor von „Mensch Bruckner“, SGH St. Florian), Bibliothek der OÖLKG