Pixel, Bytes, Credit: DEPART

Deep Space Experience: Pixel, Bytes

Wed 30. Apr 2025 19:30 – 20:30
Deep Space 8K

In cooperation with the Ars Electronica Deep Space 8K, the BMKÖS film funding programme ‘Pixel, Bytes + Film’ presents a selection of outstanding works from recent years.

Tickets: Admission free
Registration recommended at center@ars.electronica.art or +43.732.7272.0

For more than 10 years, the Austrian funding programme at the interface of experimental film and gaming has been responding to the great interest of artists in further developing cinematic and audiovisual forms of expression beyond conventional formats and renegotiating them artistically. Funded by the Ministry of Arts and Culture and supported in their realisation by ORFIII, projects are created in the field of moving images that deal artistically with digital technologies of image production and distribution and explore their formal spectrum and narrative possibilities. The Ars Electronica Deep Space will be the stage for a selection of these works. Here they will be given the perfect immersive display.