Prospective citizens from all over the world visit the Museum of the Future every year. We teach future skills and invite everybody to try out innovations and critically question the familiar.
The topics of our time are diverse and far-reaching: artificial intelligence, neurobionics, genetic engineering and biotechnology, autonomous robotics, climate and the environment. The global changes that accompany them are about to fundamentally change our everyday lives. The choices we make today will shape the world of future generations and the basis for decisions requires comprehensive knowledge and an understanding of the larger context.
Knowledge empowers. We convey.
We are convinced that only a future-oriented and reflective society can actively shape the technological transformation the the better. That is why we want to make people aware of everything that usually remains hidden behind the scenes in artistic ateliers and scientific laboratories. We believe that both science, with its critical view of the present, and art need more understanding and trust from the general public, especially now, at the beginning of the AI revolution.
People in the Museum of the Future
Technology can already replace us humans in many ways. What we are irreplaceable in, however, is our individual educational work. You will therefore not find humanoid robots or AI audio guides in the Ars Electronica Center. We see learning and teaching as a bilateral process that requires a human counterpart.
The tech and info trainers in the Ars Electronica Center work in a diverse and multi-professional team of cultural and knowledge ambassadors and are updating their expertise with internal training courses.
Alongside our content and education development and visitor experience teams, the museum and the Deep Space management and the Ars Electronica Center’s event service and technical crew, they are both the heart and voice of the museum of the future. They guide visitors into a world of tomorrow, full of experiences and adventures in the fields of science, art and technology.

The Energy Changer
Elias Silber also works behind the scenes at the Museum of the Future as part of the facility tech crew. He is one of the team’s great idealists. He asked himself a crucial question, and not just in view of the constantly rising energy costs: Can’t a museum of the future be run much more energy-efficiently?