Das neue Fassadenspiel / Ars Electroncia Futuerlab; Photo: Ars Electronica / Bernadette Geißler

Artists, Creators, Engineers

Three terms that describe an artist’s image that is closely linked to the history of media art and has been at the center of Ars Electronica’s activities for 40 years.

Artists, Creators, Engineers – these are artists at the interface of technology and society, who understand the computer as a tool, medium and content at the same time, who combine artistic vision with high technical know-how and who provide important impulses for the design of our modern media society.

  • Linzer City Bees

    Linzer City Bees

    It began as a vague idea based on a model implemented in Paris, where bees have been kept for years on the roof of the Opéra. Today, Linz cultural institutions are the home of nine colonies of bees with about 500,000 individuals busy collecting nectar and producing honey.

  • Play the Façade again

    Play the Façade again

    The interactive façade game was first launched in 2010, inviting people to participate as designers and play on Linz’s nocturnal skyline. The well-known but somewhat outdated interaction terminal has now been modernized, rethought and brought up to date with the latest technology by the Ars Electronica Futurelab.