Photo: Ars Electronica / Birgit Cakir


Emanuel Gollob & Magdalena May

How can relationship building with a non-humanoid technological body look like? What does it take to create a sense of social presence? What robotic behaviour will make these future omnipresent companions approachable and sympathetic to us humans? 

With Contact, a first physical contact with a robot can be established. Perhaps, however, the feeling of an emotional connection arises from the joint interaction between human and machine long before the actual contact. 

Artist Emanuel Gollob and organizational psychologist Magdalena May cooperate in their work with Creative Robotics and explore the movement and behaviour of robots and the effect of this on human interactors. In collaboration with the LIT Robopsychology Lab at JKU, they have been working on joint projects and scientific studies since 2021. 

Creative Robotics 
Robopsychology Lab  

With kind support from KUKA