Uniview, Credit: Ars Electronica – Magdalena Sick-Leitner

Deep Space Lecture: cotton candy, fireworks and other peculiarities of outer space

Thu 4. Jul 2024 19:00 – 20:00
Deep Space 8K

Week after week, scientists surprise us with new impressions and findings from outer space. New images show us objects that we would not have thought possible and that question or simply overturn many previous mathematical models.

Tickets: regular 13 €, reduced 11 €
Registration recommended at center@ars.electronica.art or +43.732.7272.0

“I know that I know nothing”, as Socrates once said. On this evening, Dr. Dietmar Hager gets to the bottom of some of these new research findings, travels with you into the depths of the infinite expanse and ensures that you go home with a little more knowledge about the fascination of the universe.