Studie Gehirnforschung; Photo: Ars Electronica / Birgit Cakir

Experience brain research live – study participants wanted!

Whether we are in favor of something or against it – brain cells fire billions of impulses with every mental impulse. Experience brain research live and find out how brain impulses can be measured and visualized.

Duration: approx. 10-20 minutes

Participation: free of charge. Each participant will receive an admission voucher for the Ars Electronica Center as a thank you.

Age: Minimum age 10 years

Registration: on site / no pre-registration required

Further information is available at the Infodesk or by e-mail:

Visitors to the Ars Electronica Center are invited to explore the mental traces that media influences – e.g. newspaper articles or images – leave in the human brain. Mental moods play a key role in everyday decision-making, whereby a person’s mood is significantly influenced by internal evaluation processes. According to neuroscientific findings, evaluations are mainly processed in the frontal lobe of the brain and lead to an approving or disapproving attitude.

The ongoing research project *Correlations to EEG asymmetries in the pre-frontal cortex* focuses precisely on this area in order to find answers to questions such as: Can unconscious evaluations be measured? Is everything a person is confronted with subject to evaluation?

With the help of electroencephalography (EEG), the electrical activity of the brain can be measured and displayed graphically. In EEG-based research in the frontal cortex, sensors are attached to the forehead of the research participants and the bioelectrical impulses of the brain are analyzed.

Science-Art-Research Conception, development of research design, project management: PhD Researcher Erika Mondria, Visual Communication, Interface Culture, University of Art and Industrial Design, Linz.
Programming, implementation of neurotechnological paradigms, neurophysiological data collection: Andreas Wirth, Biomedical Mechatronics, Johannes Kepler University, Linz.
Scientific and technical advice: Dipl.-Ing. Dr. MBA. MSc Christoph Hintermüller, Biomedical Mechatronics, Johannes Kepler University, Linz