Neuro-Tech Spezial, Credit: Ars Electronica / Birgit Cakir

Neuro-Tech Spezial: Neuro-Gaming

Sat 6. Jul 2024 14:00 – 14:30

Neurotechnologies collect biometric data. Biometric data is used to identify people. But can this data already reflect our wishes, our preferences, our cognitive performance and illnesses?

Price: Valid museum ticket

A neuro-game is a game whose mechanics are controlled solely by the player’s brain input as part of a BCI system. A brain-computer interface (BCI) system is a brain-computer interface that makes it possible to measure and analyze brain waves in real time.

The commercialization of devices that record our brain data is progressing rapidly. In clinical applications, scientific and technical achievements of so-called neurotechnologies such as brain-computer interfaces and magnetoencephalography are often the only way to efficiently support patients. Neuro-tech expert Erika Mondria will give a vivid presentation on the role neuro-games can play in this and how electroencephalography-based brain studies work, what is needed for them and what goals current research studies are pursuing. Afterwards, you can experience a live brain measurement on your own body.

Erika Mondria

Neuro-tech expert Erika Mondria has dedicated decades to observing human behavior. She uses biometric measurement technologies as a powerful tool to make the seemingly invisible (actions) tangible. As a mental trainer and PhD researcher, she illuminates the reciprocity of mental and physical processes from unusual perspectives. Her neuro-interactive installations allow “body-mind-technology connections” to be experienced not only in one’s own body, but also to become visible on the outside. Numerous training and further education courses such as: Hypnotherapy, Neuroscience, Mental Training and Neurorehabilitation and her studies: Cultural Studies, Transmedial Space (AT), Fine Art (GB), Sculpture (FR) flow into her work, always guided by the question of the range and effectiveness of the “body BEING”.