For children, the whole world is a big research laboratory in which every moment can become an experiment and every path an expedition. Therefore, we offer a space for exploring and discovering our natural and artificial, digital and analog realities, especially for families.
Discovering the future with kids …
Build animals out of Lego together with your children to bring them to life virtually with the help of artificial intelligence, or dig through their first experience of the topography of our world together with them in our Augmented Reality Sandbox …

Kids’ Research Lab
Play around with all kinds of robots to uncover the secret of programming or try to compose a piece of music together as if by magic. Embark on a journey of discovery through the microcosm with our tardigrade Tardi and follow in the footsteps of light with polarizing filters …

Deep Space Family
In our interactive 3D adventure world Deep Space 8K, even the youngest children can experience their first virtual adventure …
Family Tour
This expedition through the Ars Electronica Center is a fun way for children and parents to familiarize themselves with our increasingly digitalized everyday lives. Join us in exploring the burning issues of the future that are currently shaping our world …