This interactive installation makes it possible to experience the phenomenon of glacier disappearance, placing it in a local and global context.
People have always been particularly fascinated by glaciers. Their gargantuan masses of ice shape the mountain landscapes of our earth. In the polar regions, thick sheets of ice cover broad expanses of land. Since the end of the Little Ice Age in the second half of the 19th century, the earth’s glaciers have been on the retreat. This interactive installation makes it possible to experience the phenomenon of glacier disappearance, placing it in a local and global context. The centerpiece of the installation is a milled elevation model of the mountain region of Hohe Tauern. Using a touch interface, you can play with it in explore mode. Story mode offers a chance to delve deeper into the material.
Credits: Ars Electronica Solutions
Partner: ESA, DLR, Institut fĂ¼r Interdisziplinäre Gebirgsforschung der Ă–sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften