Material Lab; Foto: Ars Electronica / Birgit Cakir

Holiday Program

During the Upper Austrian school holidays, exciting hands-on workshops await you at the Ars Electronica Center. Subscribe to the Ars Electronica Center News to make sure you don’t miss the upcoming holiday program!

Semester Holidays at the Ars Electronica Center

There’s a lot going on at the Ars Electronica Center during the semester holidays! In addition to Museum Total, a great holiday program awaits you! Train robots for their big circus performance or discover how cool materials and intelligent materials will soon be used in space travel. Come by and be surprised!

Language: German
Price: 7€
Participants (number): max. 12 participants
Bring along: Snack and drink
Registration deadline: 3 days
Registration: or +43.732.7272.0

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  • Holiday Program: Space Matters

    Holiday Program: Space Matters

    10 to 14 years

    How do you make paper smart? And why are fir cones so exciting for architects? In this workshop, we will delve into the world of intelligent and programmable materials, which will soon play a major role in space travel. All young materials researchers are invited to experiment creatively and try out new ideas!

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  • Holiday Program: Zirkus Robotikus

    Holiday Program: Zirkus Robotikus

    8 to 10 years

    The Machine Learning Studio is where it’s all happening! There are lots of cool machines here: cars that learn to drive themselves, robotic arms that do all kinds of things, robots on two legs that recognize faces, and even robotic balls that you can assemble into your own robots. In the workshop, we discover how […]

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