The Scottish Ten

The Scottish Ten is a five-year project that aims to create extraordinarily precise digital models of the five UNESCO World Cultural Heritage sites located in Scotland and five heritage sites in other countries.

3D laser scans can not only document the extent of an object’s deterioration; the resulting cloud of points also provides a valuable data-based point of departure for the reconstruction of the object’s original state. The Scottish Ten is a five-year project that aims to create extraordinarily precise digital models of the five UNESCO World Cultural Heritage sites located in Scotland and five heritage sites in other countries.

To accomplish this, Historic Scotland, the nation’s heritage agency, and the Glasgow School of Art’s Digital Design Studio established the Centre for Digital Documentation and Visualisation LLP (CDDV). In Deep Space 8K, visitors can behold Scotland’s cultural treasures: Skara Brae prehistoric village was inhabited before the Egyptian pyramids were built, and flourished for centuries before construction began at Stonehenge. The monumental chambered tomb of Maeshowe is simply the finest Neolithic building in North West Europe. Built around 5,000 years ago, it is a masterpiece of Neolithic design and stonework construction. New  Lanark was at one time the cornerstone of the Scottish cotton spinning industry and is regarded as an exemplar of enlightened management, proving that productivity increased with the improved treatment of the workforce. CDDV is working on it together with CyArk, another goldmine of  digital 3D data.

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