plasticpreneur, doing circular (AT) | Photo: tom mesic

LABEL4FUTURE: Designing Future-Oriented Ecosystems in EU Less Developed Regions


Label4Future (L4F) is dedicated to advancing circular economy practices and innovation in EU’s less developed regions—Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Poland. Focused on the plastics industry and related sectors, the project supports Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in creating innovative, sustainable solutions. Label4Future uses the power of creativity to build better futures for our people, planet, clients, and communities. 

Ars Electronica Platform Europe’s dedication to sustainability and the evolvement of planetary narratives and practices makes Label4Future an ideal context to develop incubation strategies for innovative approaches to plastic. In a changemakers meetup and showcase at the Ars Electronica Festival 2024, we bring together artists, designers, and material researchers with the circular economy industry, and subsequently accompany them in their joint development process in the L4F incubation program. 

Duration: 1 January 2024 – 31 December 2025

Partners (Consortium): Creative Industry Košice (coordinator), Ars Electronica, European Federation for Creative Economy, Chamber of Commerce and Industry Slovenia, Austria Wirtschaftsservice, Creative Prague, Technical University of Košice

LABEL4FUTURE is funded by the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) and Interreg Europe Interregional Investment Instrument (I3) under grant agreement 101133162. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.