STARTS Prize Trophy | Photo: Ars Electronica/Martin Hieslmair

STARTS EC(H)O: Fostering ECOlogically conscious and Human compatible digital technology

The S+T+ARTS (Science+Technology+ARTS) initiative can be understood as the core crystal of Ars Electronica Platform Europe. Ars Electronica’s long-standing involvement in STARTS is part of our wider commitment to designing and testing transdisciplinary practices and sustainably integrating art-thinking and artistic practice as innovation catalysts for research processes and technology development. 

In the age of societal and environmental emergency states when individual disciplines seem to have hit the innovation ceiling, Science, Technology, and the Arts limn a nexus where new approaches, alternative perspectives, and creative solutions promise to inspire progress and accelerate development. STARTS Ec(h)o supports practices at this intersection and recognizes the most successful artist-led, creative experimentations through the STARTS Prize, STARTS residencies, and the annual AIxMusic program. 

Besides coordinating the project, Ars Electronica also organizes the annual STARTS Prize on behalf of the European Commission – a prestigious award that singles out economically or socially impactful projects at the nexus of science, technology and the arts. Two Grand Prizes – for Innovative Collaboration, and for Artistic Exploration, each endowed with a €20,000 honorarium – as well as 10 Honorary Mentions and 18 Nominations are selected every year. Winners are then part of the STARTS Exhibition and the STARTS Day at Ars Electronica Festival.  

In addition to STARTS Ec(h)o, current STARTS projects with active involvement of Ars Electronica include STARTS in the City and STARTS4Africa. In the past, Ars Electronica led the STARTS Prize projects and participated in STARTS Regional Centers’ activities such as Repairing the Present.

Duration: 1 January 2024 – 31 December 2026

Partners (Consortium): Ars Electronica (coordinator), INOVA+, La French Tech Grande Provence, Media Solution Center Baden-WĂĽrttemberg, Salzburger Festspiele, SĂłnar, T6 Ecosystems, Dresden University of Technology

S+T+ARTS Ec(h)o is funded by the European Union under grant agreement 101135691. Views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or DG CNECT. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.